Be the Spark That
Lights Up The India with Roof Top Solar Panel

  1. Electrical Safety Audit.
  2. Energy Audit.
  3. Third Party Testing & Inspection.
  4. Solar Panel Installation.

Welcome To

Shreyani Consulting and Testing Services

We provide ELECTRICAL SAFETY AUDIT AND ENERGY ADUIT services to Hospitals, Petrochemical utilities , Goverment buildings , banks etc . We also provide THIRD PARTY QUALITY AUDIT(TPQA/TPI) services to Construction , Power , Renewable , Services projects for Goverment sector. We also have THIRD PARTY TESTING LABOROTARY for testing of construction materials, electrical accessories , HVAC accessories and calibration of testing instruments .As a trusted partner, we strive to enhance the quality and safety of your assets and infrastructures and safeguard your business operations.

I am Shreya!

The Woman Enturpruner

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Be Amazing

Best in class Solar Panel fitting services.

There are multiple things that needs to be taken care of before you setup your Roof Top Solar Panel, otherwise instead of saving you might lose money.

Find my tribe

Things to look out before you setup your Roof Top Solar Panel

  • Mounting equipment

  • Solar inverters

  • Cables

  • Photovoltaic modules

  • Other electrical accessories

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